The brothers Wright are often heralded as the first aviators. Whilst this holds true for heavier-than-air flight, the true acolade belongs to a different pair of siblings some 120 years earlier. On 21 November 1783 the Montgolfier brothers ascended to approximated 500ft in their hot air balloon in the first recorded episode of human flight.
But the more modest looking balloon shown here belongs to another inventor and scientist of the time – a man who is less well known, but perhaps more relevant to the field of aerospace medicine; Jacques Alexandre César Charles.
Missing out on the title of first person in the air by 10 days, Charles was arguably well ahead of his time. Inspired by the work of Robert Boyle he invented (alongside the Robert brothers – in case you thought there was a suspicious lack of siblings in this story!) the first hydrogen-filled balloon – a mean feat for 1783 that required pouring sulphuric acid onto iron filings. So alien was his achievement at the time that when his first uncrewed test landed in the French village of Gonesse, the villagers thought a monster sent by a rival village had descended upon them and took to it with pitchforks and knives.
Unperturbed, Charles prepared for a crewed mission with himself and Nicolas-Louis Robert. The first attempt saw them reach almost four times higher than the Montgolfier brothers. Excited by this success, Charles asked Nicolas-Louis is step out so he could try again. This time he reached 9,840ft before being forced to release the gas and descend. The reason why? An unforseen side effect of Boyle’s law…the first ever case of aviation related barotrauma.
But Charles’ link to aerospace medicine doesn’t end there…
As we will see over the course of this tutorial, Charles’ law looks at the relationship between temperature and volume in a gas. Whilst it was first written down by Joseph Gay-Lussac, it was credited to unpublished work by Charles and was given his name. In an odd coincidence it would go on to sit beside the gas laws of his inspiration, Robert Boyle, and his commemorator, Gay-Lussac in the combined gas law – another of our fundamental building blocks of aerospace medicine and the focus of this tutorial.
In Part 1 of this tutorial we discussed how there are some fundamental principles that come up time and time again in aerospace medicine and are worth getting to grips with. Having dealt with the hydrostatic gradient it is now time to move on to the Usual Suspects – the eponymous gas laws.
Before we get started its important to note that all of these laws apply to what are called ‘ideal gases’. Luckily for us this is good enough for most occasions we will deal with and certainly to understand the principles enough to work out what the effect may be in the aviation or space environments.
*Click here for more about ideal gases
What’s so ideal about these gases?
Ideal gases are theoretical gases which have certain characteristics (made up of molecules that act as rigid spheres and are in constant motion along straight lines, that act perfectly elastically when they collide with each other and do not have inter-molecular forces. The volume of the gas molecules themselves are also negligible compared to the container). Unbeknownst to Boyle &co who were limited to the laboratory conditions of their time, no gases truly behave like this under all conditions. For example, if you increase the pressure enough, the volume of the gas is no longer negligible and inter-molecular forces will develop (if they do so enough it will form a liquid and eventually a solid). However, for our purposes, we can assume that gases will follow these rules.
You can find out more about ideal and real gases
here and
Boyle’s LAW
The most prolific of these laws is the very same one that inspired Jacques Charles; Boyle’s Law.
Boyle’s Law states that (where the temperature of a gas is kept constant) the pressure exerted by a gas is inversely proportional to its volume. This can be expressed as:
P ∝ 1/V
P1V1 = P2V2

Let’s go back to our SCUBA diver in the pool. Look at the exhaled bubbles and how they get bigger as they rise to the surface. As we learnt in Part 1, there is a pressure gradient in the pool which means that the pressure increasing with depth in a linear fashion as determined by ρ x g x h. Each bubble has a set number of molecules that are moving around, exerting pressure on the outside of the bubble (lets call this Pinternal) and trying to make it bigger. However, this is countered by the external pressure of the water (or Pexternal). The size of the bubble is determined by the equilibrium reached when Pinternal = Pexternal. As the bubble rises, Pexternal reduces and the bubble can get bigger before the equilibrium is reached.

It may be easier to think about this in reverse. Like flies in a jar, gas molecules are naturally spread out and like to move around the volume of the container in which they are placed. One way to think of pressure is how many times they bump into the walls as they move. If the flies continue to move at the same rate (see Gay-Lussac’s law below) but the jar shrinks, then they will hit the walls more frequently and the pressure will go up.
Gay-Lussac’s law describes what happens if instead of changing the volume of the gas, we change it’s temperature. It states that, where volume is kept constant, the pressure of a gas is proportional to the temperature (measured in Kelvin). This can be expressed as:
P ∝ T
P1/T1 = P2/T2
A rise in temperature reflect an increase in the average kinetic energy of that substance – in this case our gas. Without getting into the complexities of thermodynamics a simple (but not wholly accurate) way of thinking of this is that the molecules in a hotter gas are moving more rapidly.

If we heat up our jar with the flies (keeping the number of flies and size of the jar constant) they become, understandably, agitated and start to move around more quickly, bumping into the sides more in the same amount of time.
As mentioned earlier, this law was first published by Gay-Lussac but was credited to unpublished work by our favourite balloonist (how the theory of science as being built on the shoulders of giants isn’t quite true is perhaps a good topic for a future blog). If you know the other two laws this one might seem like common sense.
Charles’ Law states that, if we keep the pressure of a gas constant, the volume will be proportional to the temperature. This can be expressed as:
V ∝ T
V1/T1 = V2/T2
As the substance is heated the molecules move more rapidly. To keep the pressure the same we have to increase the volume of the container:

This time we have removed the flies from their jars and let them fly freely for the same amount of time. The more sluggish flies on the left fly less far than their agitated siblings on the right. If we draw a box around the distance traveled (or the volume) we can see that the cool flies have less volume than the hot ones.
The Combined Gas LAw
As is probably clear, the three laws above overlap somewhat. If you change a parameter in one then it will affect the others. Instead of running through each of these rules individually we can combine them to form a…you guessed it…combined gas law which can be written as:
PV/T = constant (k)
(P1V1)/T1 = (P2V2)/T2
This equation (with the limitations noted at the start) is relevant for a huge number of applications in aerospace medicine. Combining this with what you learnt in the previous Part of this tutorial, you can probably guess why but we will go over this in more details in our next tutorials as we discuss the aviation and space environments.
One thing to note is that the Combined Gas Law does not take into account changes to the number of molecules (or number of flies in the jar). To do this you have to include Avogadro’s Law which states that the volume of a gas is proportional to the amount of substance of the gas in moles. When added in, this creates the ‘Ideal Gas Law’ (see here for more) but the Combined Law is “ideal” for us in the majority of cases.
Some Other EPONYMOUS LAws…
Besides the Combined Gas Law there are a number of other principles that we will run into on a number of occasions. A number of these (such as Fick’s Law and Poiseuille’s Law) are predominately related to physiology and will be covered as needed in future tutorials. The two I have chosen to go into in more detail here have physiological implications but are also needed to understand the aviation and space environment.
Dalton’s LAw
Dalton’s law describes something that those working in the medical world use regularly and innately understand, but might not quite be able to put into words. Gases in the natural world are very rarely purely made up of one substance – even if breathing 100% O2, the gas in someone’s alveoli contains CO2 that has diffused across from the capillaries (and likely some N2 unless they have been breathing O2 for some time). Dalton’s law describes what happens when you combine gases and is fundamental for understanding what goes on in the atmosphere and inside our bodies.
Dalton’s Law states that the total pressure of a gas is the sum of the partial pressures of the individual gases that make it up. It defines partial pressure as the pressure that all molecules of that substance would exert if they were on their own in the same volume container at the same temperature.
Let’s go back to our jar:

This time the flies are accompanied by a couple of different types of flying insects. If we continue the metaphor then the total pressure in the jar is now made up from the times that all of the insects hit the walls (P=6 here). To work out the partial pressure of the bees or the flies we need to imagine them in separate jars…

Now it becomes quite easy to see the partial pressure of each insect. When describing partial pressures we tend to use the style of Psubstance so in this case we have Pbees = 2, Pflies = 3, Pdragonflies = 1. Dalton’s Law states that Pjar = Pbees + Pflies +Pdragonflies, which it clearly does here!
For ideal gases – like our jar – the ratio of partial pressures is equal to the ratio of the number of molecules.
If we look at the gas mixes in the air at ground level we can see this become a bit more relevant. Based on the ICAO Standard Atmosphere (see upcoming lecture of the Altitude environment) air is made up of roughly 78% N2 and 21% O2, with the remaining 1% made up of inert gases (predominately Argon) and CO2 (only 0.03%!). At ground level the atmospheric pressure is 760mmHg. Using Dalton’s Law we can work out that:
Substance | Percentage | Fraction | Partial Pressure (Fraction x P) |
Nitrogen | 78% | 0.78 | 592.8 mmHg |
Oxygen | 21% | 0.21 | 159.6 mmHg |
Other | 1% | 0.01 | 7.6 mmHg |
Henry’s LAw
This is one of those laws that is much easier to demonstrate than to describe and is one you can try at home. Go and get a new bottle or can of a fizzy drink and head outside. If you’re brave you can give it a shake*. Now open the bottle and see what happens. If it has not been opened before, you should see bubbles of carbon dioxide escaping from the liquid. If you pour it into a glass you might notice that a foamy raft of bubbles, or ‘head’, is formed. You probably didn’t need to do this to know what was going to happen as it’s something we take for granted. But with Henry’s Law we can explain why.
Henry’s Law states that the solubility of a gas in a solution is proportional to the partial pressure of the gas above that solution. The higher the partial pressure of a substance in the gases surrounding the liquid, the more of that substance that can be dissolved.
In the image on the left the partial pressure of the CO2 inside the bottle (PINT) is much higher than the partial pressure of CO2 outside of the bottle (PEXT). As the bottle is closed off from the environment the partial pressure which determines the solubility of the CO2 in the drink is PINT.
In the image on the right, the bottle has been opened, allowing PINT to equalise with PEXT. This means that the partial pressure of CO2 over the solution is now much lower so the amount of CO2 that can be dissolved in the solution falls and most of it forms bubbles that rise to the surface allowing the gas to escape.
As we will come on to see in future tutorials, Henry’s Law (along with Boyle’s law) forms the basis of injury caused upon rapid decompression or exposure to extreme altitudes.
*Click here to find out what happens when you shake the bottle first
Shake, shake, shake!
Why does shaking a bottle of fizzy drink before opening it make this worse? Well, when you agitate a liquid inside a container little pockets of gas (or small bubbles) form. This is caused tribonucleation and is the same reason you see bubbles streaming away from boat propellers. As gases come out of solution they also form bubbles. Due to another eponymous law that we haven’t yet covered (Laplace’s Law) the bigger a bubble is, the easier it is to get even bigger – just think of blowing up a balloon. If there are lots of little bubbles in your drink due to you shaking it up beforehand then these act as ‘nuclei’, allowing the CO2 to come out of solution more rapidly.
This raises another interesting point. The amount of CO2 that comes out of a drink that isn’t shaken will eventually be the same as it would be had it been as it will reach the same equilibrium with the partial pressure of CO2 in the atmosphere. All that changes is how quickly this happens. Normally for a fizzy drink to equalise with the atmosphere fully (or for it to become ‘flat’) it takes a long time – Even putting the lid back on a bottle with result in the PINT increasing above PEXT as the CO2 comes out of solution and is trapped.
Finally it also explains why fizzy drinks seems ‘fizzier’ if you drink it directly from a bottle. If you pour it into a glass first you will agitate the liquid, forming some bubbles into which the CO2 can more readily come out of solution into. This is what causes the ‘head’ to form and why it gets bigger the more vigorously the liquid is agitated (such as in long glasses like champagne flutes – tilting the glass improves this and reduces the ‘head’). If you drink straight from the bottle the first time that the liquid is agitated enough to form nuclei is in your mouth. The bubbles come out rapidly in your mouth and you get that ‘overfizzy’ sensation.
So this has rounded off our introductory piece looking into some of the fundamental building blocks of aerospace medicine. Next we will use some of these to help build up our picture of the aviation and space environments and the effect they can have on humans who, if the words of John Gillespie Magee Jr, choose to slip the surly bonds of Earth. Until then…
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[…] we worked out the partial pressure of the various components of air using Dalton’s Law in our last tutorial, you’ll remember that we multiplied the fraction of that gas in the air (Oxygen = 21% of air […]
[…] gradient. When talking about diffusion of oxygen in the lungs, P1-P2 refers to the difference in partial pressure of oxygen in the alveoli (P1) and the blood […]